Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find some answers to Frequently Asked Questions and our approach to childcare. If you can't find the information you need here or anywhere else on our website please speak to the nursery manager.

What Should My Child Bring With Them to nursery?

At least one full change of clothes, more if toilet training, in a bag which is not plastic or drawstring or the Brown Bears bag we provide.. Sun hats and sun cream for spring/summer. Outdoor coat, wellington boots, hat, scarf and gloves for autumn/winter. Comforter if required.

What should my child bring with them to nursery?

At least one full change of clothes, more if toilet training, in a bag which is not plastic or drawstring or the Brown Bears bag we provide.. Sun hats and sun cream for spring/summer. Outdoor coat, wellington boots, hat, scarf and gloves for autumn/winter. Comforter if required.

Please clearly label all your child's belongings with their full name.

Do I need to provide formula milk and nappies?

We provide nappies but ask you to bring formula milk.

When are you closed for holidays?

We are closed on all Bank Holidays, Christmas week.  We also close for 3 inset days a year for staff training. Please note the fees take into account these holidays so your monthly payment is expected in full.

How will I be informed of my child's development?

You will be invited to regular meetings to discuss your child's development at which you will be asked to contribute your thoughts, ideas and needs.

These will be agreed with your child's Key Person who can then put them into practice. These meetings will be initiated regularly by your child's Key Person to ensure you are kept abreast of your child's progress and/or on other occasions such as when your child is moving rooms or changing Key Person, or for more developmental matters like potty training, weaning, teething, supporting behaviour, etc. You may also request a meeting with your child's Key Person at any time.

We always strive to ensure your child experiences consistency in nursery and your contribution is vital towards achieving this. Therefore we record all our meetings in your child's learning journey, creating memories for you to look back on in years to come. Your child's learning journey is a folder we create upon your family joining Brown Bears nursery. This is your property. However, for the duration of your child's adventures at nursery it will remain there until the day arrives when they move on to school. Your child's learning journey records all your child's learning and development, inclusive of observations jotted down by his/her Key Person, photographs and artwork.

You are encouraged to access the learning journey folder whenever you wish and to contribute to it with your own observations of your child's achievements and developmental milestones. If it is not readily available please just ask and we will be more than happy to show you.

What will happen if someone we don't know arrives to collect your child?

To ensure that children in our care are collected by authorised adults only, the following procedures will be adhered to by our staff:

When a child is first registered at the nursery, a child details form must be completed detailing those adults who have parental responsibility and any other responsible adults (over 18 years) who are authorised to collect the child. This must be updated by the parents if there are any changes to these arrangements and staff must be kept informed. Parents must inform the staff who will normally be collecting the child and always inform them if someone else if going to collect the child, giving them a description and assigning a password.

If an unknown or unauthorised person arrives to collect a child then under no circumstances will we release the child to them unless they give us the correct password. We will contact the parents/carers immediately to inform them. If required we will contact the police if the unknown person is suspected to be an intruder.

If a known person arrives to collect a child but is not the normal person who collects and we have not been informed that they are collecting the child that day then we will first contact the parents to check the child can be released, ensuring that the parent gives a description and password.

If a known person arrives to collect a child but is not in a state which we deem suitable to care for a child (e.g. acting violently or under the influence of alcohol or other substances) then we will not release them. We will call another authorised person to come and collect the child. In the event of disputes between parents that have not been through the courts, we cannot prevent the child from being collected by one of the parents. The other parent will be contacted to inform them that their child has been collected. The child's best interests and welfare are of paramount importance and every effort will be made to avoid distressing scenes in front of the child. A Working in Partnership meeting will be held with both parents to come to a mutual arrangement.

In the event that there is a court order in place to prevent access by a parent then we will adhere to this and place a copy on the child's file. The central office Safeguarding Team will also be made aware of the situation.

Late collection

Should a child not be collected by the end of the day and we have not been notified of any reason for the delay we will follow the following procedure:

After 10 minutes we will make contact with the parent to find out why they are delayed.

If they are not available we will try to contact other nominated adults authorised to collect.

If we have been unsuccessful in making contact with any of the authorised adults after 60 minutes, we will contact the Duty Officer at Children's Social Care. Please note there is a late collection charge after 5 minutes. Please see our late collection policy.