We are a unique, professional, caring team, confident in our ability to maximise each child’s full potential in all aspects of their development. The setting strives to create a high quality, child-centred, happy, secure and stimulating environment which will promote the learning process for all. Children that attend Brown Bears Nursery build social capital through the friendships they make with people from all different backgrounds and their involvement in the local community. The complete individual needs of each child are nurtured in an atmosphere of positive self-esteem and confidence. We aim to create a strong partnership between home and the nursery with the greatest consideration given to each individual child’s rights to a caring, safe environment in which they can thrive and begin their education happily, healthily and successfully.
1. The importance of learning through play both child-led and adult supported
2. The focus on each child’s individuality, encouraging curiosity through a carefully designed environment
3. Learning through the course of regular daily tasks and activities
4. The focus on the many ways children can and will express themselves
5. The importance of adults as role model
6. Providing a safe and comfortable environment for children to be curious in
7. Identifying and enBullet listcouraging repeated patterns of behaviour called schemas
Working together, we make your child stronger!
Palmers Green -020 8826 3259
Green Lanes - 020 3538 4280
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