Childcare provider London

We believe in working together

At Brown Bears day nursery we understand just how much a wrench it can be to be separated from your child, which is why we do all we can to support parents and ensure you feel that nursery is as close to an extension of home life as possible. Successful cooperation between parents and nursery staff is important because it also has an effect on your child's development.

This is why we encourage a culture of cooperation, continuous exchange between parent and nursery and joint planning of parties, events and excursions.

In Partnership with you

Our aim is to work in close partnership with you to complement your approach to caring for your child, particularly when they're learning new skills such as weaning, potty training, reading and writing. We know that the closer our nursery teams work in partnership with you, the more rewarding your child's time in nursery will be.

Listening and sharing

Our nursery door is always open for an informal drop-in and we'll invite you to regular parents' meetings to share news about your child's progress and to share stories about their developing personalities.

Finding out about their day

At Brown Bears day nursery we know how important it is that you and the professionals caring for your child work together. You need to feel comfortable about exchanging information and discussing things that will benefit your child.

If you have younger children you will receive an update at the end of the day from their key worker. We use Tapestry which is an online journal to help record all the learning and fun of children's early years education. It builds a very special record of a child's experiences, development and learning journey through their early years and primary education. It will contain a brief summary of what your child has eaten, how long they slept for, what activities they have done today and any other key moments of your child's day that we think you'd like to know. With this you won't miss out on anything important during their development and will be able to encourage further progress.

Regular opportunities for formal and informal discussions about your child and his or her progress are available. Your child's "key person" is always available for a chat and your child's Learning Journey is available for you to look at any time.