Preschool London

We are proud of our holistic approach to learning; we recognise that children often cover lots of areas of learning in the course of doing one activity. With this in mind, we offer a huge range of activities and we aim to make learning fun so that your child feels positive and confident about learning. This will enable them to succeed at school and beyond.

Our preschool environment

is set up for children to independently access resources through different areas of provision. We encourage independence; for example children’s pegs are labelled and they can register themselves when they arrive at the nursery.

We will support your child in their journey to becoming a successful reader and writer by providing a language-rich environment, including interest tables and writing areas.

Social skills are further enhanced but we ensure that your child’s unique and individual personalities are celebrated. This enables them to have the confidence to contribute within the room, to make friendships and to engage with adults. Of course, our educational approach is combined with care and attention to every child.

We will also encourage and support your child to explore arts, music, dance and technology to develop their learning further. We will provide opportunities for your child to be excited about mathematics and science, to solve problems and find things out for themselves, as well as scaffolding their learning. We also have yoga and soft play that is a way great to help your child develop their physical skills.

These vast opportunities have the potential to support problem solving, critical thinking and the understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts and the world around them.

They also help support the development of literacy, writing and numeracy skills; the development of social skills and imagination; the exploration of different media; the development of fine hand to eye coordination, spacial awareness and motor skills; the development of vocabulary and communication skills; sharing, celebrating and representing their own experiences; and the development of their understanding of managing their own health, body awareness and safety rules.